PenAgain helps father and daughter with Dysgraphia.
Many years ago I found the penagain in an office supply store. I have dysgraphia and I’ve always had a hard time with writing. Lots of hand pain and cramps. Your pen changed everything for me. I have since bought, lost, and rebought many of your pens. Recently my step daughter was showing signs of dysgraphia and having a hard time with her homework because of it. She was eventually diagnosed with dysgraphia and dyslexia. My wife was having a hard time understanding the difficulties but I knew immediately what to do. I introduced her to the penagain and she absolutely loves it. She doesn’t dread homework so much anymore because it doesn’t hurt her hand to do it. We are getting ready to buy the whole line of pens and pencils and a ergosleek for myself. Just wanted to thank you for making a great product that helps immensely.
– Steve G.
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